Scenius December 24 Mix
December sonic storytelling concludes a year of action, joy and pain.
Music to keep us united.
Adam Rudolph’s Moving PicturesThe Earth Spins Faster Than Words
MeropeNamopi (feat. Laraaji & Shahzad Ismaily)
Bex BurchFollow Me I Make You Happy
Neil Ardley, Ian Carr, Don RendellThe Greek Variations
Francis BebeyForest Nativity
Herbie Hancock and the HeadhuntersWatermelon Man
Sun Ra and his Astroinfinity ArkestraSomebody Else’s World
Agile ExperimentsCooks Pt. 1
Arnold Dreyblatt & the Orchestra of Excited StringsHarmonics
Ches SmithDisco Inferred
Jeff Parker ETA IVtetFreakadelic
Alabaster DeplumeGifts of Olive
Scenius, or Communal Genius
Individuals immersed in a productive scenius will blossom and produce their best work.
When buoyed by scenius, you act like genius.
Colin Stetson on Adult Swim Festival
Colin Stetson makes you forget everything you knew about the saxophone.
Taken from Adult Swim’s 2020 online festival.
How Shahzad Ismaily Became Musicians’ Favourite Musician
Born with a rare genetic disorder, the multi-instrumentalist felt like a permanent outsider as a child. He now wields those lessons as one of music’s most coveted collaborators.